Our Research Programme

The pedagogy at St. Kabir is a researched programme, embracing the best philosophies, guidelines, approaches and methodologies. 


It is child- centered, which encourages active learning through exploration and play.

It introduces children to literacy, numerical concepts, EVS and life skills that encourage them to sense, observe, investigate, connect and conclude.

It awakens the mind and infuses the intellectual knowledge with aesthetic experience.

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    Learning AT PRIMARY SCHOOL (I – V)

    It facilitates application of knowledge through integrating projects and activities.

    It enriches and compliments children’s classroom learning by organizing appropriate challenges through various resources.

    It enables children to compare, question, analyze, investigate, collaborate and contribute.

    Learning AT SENIOR SCHOOL (VI – X)

    It is innovative, relevant, evolutionary and developmental.

    It balances the integration of acquired knowledge, skills and its application – connection into action and content areas, fostering High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

    It builds children’s self-confidence and assurance through planned assessments and revision strategies which are an integral part of teaching and learning.

    Pedagogical skills and competencies.

    It is collaborative, uses enabling and empowering technologies, thus enhancing information and subject fluencies. It measures progress, completeness and accuracy through timely assessments, giving appropriate and detailed feedback/reflection.